Messages From Father Paul

Catechumen & Inquirer’s Classes at Holy Trinity of Norwich

Classes continue for those desiring to become Orthodox or learn more about our rich Faith. The reception date for those entering the Church will be at the Divine Liturgy on Holy Saturday morning, April 26. Classes are on Wednesdays during the Great & Holy Fast at 7:30 pm following the Liturgies of Presanctified Gifts. They… Continue reading…

Sunday March 16, 2014

Grace & Peace to all. Kali Dynami as we end the 2nd week of the Great Fast going into the 3rd. Tomorrow we remember St Gregory Palamas. The Gospel lesson is about Christ healing the Paralytic. If nothing else, it conveys the fact that if we really want to come close to Christ and receive His healing and blessing, we will overcome… Continue reading…

Sunday March 9, 2014

Tomorrow the 1st Sunday of Lent – we celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy.  The victory of the iconodules over the iconoclasts resulting in the restoration of icons in the Church.  Don’t forget to bring your icons to church for the procession and proclamation. PLEASE ALSO DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS AN HOUR AHEAD TONIGHT.… Continue reading…

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